TNEC - The Study

The New Earth Chronicles is designed to be an "Imaginatively Redemptive*" speculative fiction based on a close look at what Scripture does tell us. That is The New Earth Chronicals - The Story

The New Earth Chronicles - The Study is a platform for discussing the basic doctrines of the Evangelical Church concerning the two bookends of existence, Genesis & Revelation. This is to illuminate what we know, and examine what we think we know through Scripture and doctrine, and how we have applied or misapplied it.

Mariamne, the second wife of Herod the Great, asks her husband for a cosmetologist. But Herod, having other things on his mind, finds that there are three Cosmologist on their way to the area looking for a baby King, who Herod presumes will supplant him.The rest is history.

 Yet in cartoon form it illustrates the kind of havoc that can occur when we mishandle Scriptures by presuming we know what a particular passage says based on our current experiences and problems. Presuppositions, (nee presumption), leads to interpreting the Bible in ways opposed to, if not secondary to, the original intent.

This is the problem with interpreting ,the creation narrative and Heaven. We need to pay close attention to what we can know, and what we suppose we know. 

And that is why I am writing The New Earth Chronicals in a two-part form. .

The New Earth Chronicles: The Study

What Do We Know? Are We Asking the Right Questions about Genesis and Revelation?

Writing a speculative novel about "Heaven" as we so glibly call it, is easy. Just throw whatever you want into it, pour, mix, shake, and serve, then sit back and collect your royalties and accolades.  Just peruse Amazon Kindle, or a bookstore (if you can find one!) and take your pick. Without much though one can see that the majority of books written on the future and heaven is nothing more than froth.

But when it comes to Christian Doctrine, there is source material. And that source material tells us specifically that our future is not Heaven but a New Heaven and a New Earth!

In order to understand the future we are promised in Scripture, we must first understand our past-- the beginnings of all things. Scripture clearly describes our future in the New Heaven and the New Earth as the re-creation of what was originally begun in Genesis yet was corrupted by sin. So we must travel back in time to the beginning to find our future!

But how do we do that? Do we need a flux capacitor? No, we just need to ask the appropriate questions!

An Introduction: What We Know Versus What We Think We Know!

There are five questions we must ask ourselves about anything amd everything. It is the all encompassing W5H - Who, What, When, Why, and How.  These are divided into two sections, Facts and Reasons. Who, What, and When are factual in nature. Why is the reason, and How is the process of determining the reason. 

These are the basic tools of what we know about everything. Elohim God created us in his image, and that includes his revealed scripture.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.  2 Tim 2:16-17

So we agree that the Scriptures is Elohim God's Living Word. But are we reading it in the manner it was intended to be read?  Or are we reading it according to our own presuppositions of what we presume it says?

Our first task is to consider what we know, or more properly, what we think we know about the subject. Much of what we currently "believe" about the Genesis account is the center of a vicious culture war. That war has so skewed our view (on both sides) that few are willing to wade through it to find the truth. So our first steps is to examine our Presuppositions on the subject of the Genesis narrative and come to a new, yet ancient, understanding.   

The first premise of Scriptural interpretation is that Scripture is used to interpret Scripture. This epistemological tool is called The Wesleyan Quadrilateral. It is made up of the three pillars of our knowledge (epistemology) of how we know what we know about the Scriptures. John Wesley provided the most cogent description of our theological framework for interpreting the Scriptures. This model of theological thinking Wesley derived from inspecting the "values" placed on each type of experience as expressed in the daily life of Christian faith groups.  

In a perfect world the Scriptures should remain the primary focus of all, supported by the three "equal" pillars of Tradition, Experience, and Reason. However, as in all things human, one of the three tends to become the primary expression in daily praxis.  While we Evangelicals say we value Scripture as primary, we have failed to acknowledge this in some very specific doctrines. Like Nicodemus when Yeshua Jesus says to Nicodemus; "Are you not a teacher of Israel and you do not know this?"

The current American denominational assignments of the three-legged stool of the Quadrilateral came as the result of The Second Great Awakening in the early 19th Century.  The follow-on effects of Progressivism, Darwinism, and the American psyche, all have had a great influence on the doctrines of the protestant denominations of all stripes. And not all of them good!

Evangelical View of the Quadrilateral

The above diagram accurately describes the Quadrilateral in the Evangelical view.  We generally hold Tradition and Experience in equal value in underpinning the Scriptures. Yet we have consistently held Reason at the lowest value even while professing we hold all three in equal regard. This is especially true when it comes to our Doctrine of General and Special Revelation.

The Evangelicals, which includes the Mennonites and other like-minded pietistic groups arose to their current forms out of the Second Great Awakening. That awakening along with Progressivism, and Darwinian Evolutionary thought has twisted our doctrines as well as fueled the cultural war being fought today.

That war has colored our interpretation of Scriptures to a great degree!

A Denominational View of the Quadrilateral

The above diagram accurately describes the expression of each of the major branches of Christianity. Without much thought we easily see these categories worked out in daily life. 

As the Manager of Mile High Pines Camp, a Christian Retreat in the San Bernardino National Forest in Southern California, I hosted retreats for each of these faith groups. I experienced first-hand their expressions of faith and praxis of Scripture. The validity of the above diagram was certainly evident without much theological consideration.

The Catholics have long accepted Tradition as their prime support, if not supplanting, of Scripture. As to Reason, they were handling (or rather mis-handling) it with Galileo at the time we Protestants were in our theological cribs. Their experience with Galileo and others during the Rennaisance was the rebalancing of that leg of their quadrilateral stool. Yet they did not attempt to rebalance Tradition until Pope John XXII forced the Vatican II reforms (with limited success). Experience remains their weakest leg.

The Charismatics (or Apostolics) were born out of the fervor of the Second Great Awakening Revivals. Spiritual expression and supernatural occurrences became primary. Adventists with Mary Baker Eddy, and the Jehovah's Witnesses followed likewise. And now the Experience has become embedded as a Tradition which makes the onginging Holy Spirit "experiences" suspect.

The Liberal or "Mainline" Churches, as progressives, have largely eschewed Scripture as prime and replaced it with both Experience and Reason. As the Protestant cousins of the Catholics, their effect is more of how the Protestants react against them. Most of the doctrines maligned by the Evangelical and Charismatics are those most esteemed by the Progressives. This is the core of the "Culture War" we are now experiencing. 

The Evangelical response to Darwinism and Evolution

I am continually awed by Evangelical theologians and laypersons alike in defending a 24/7 creation account from a Scriptural basis when another interpretations from within Scripture, written by an unimpeachabkle source, is available! This interpretation is reasonable and accessible through a "plain" reading, and through the application of Hebraic word choices and literary tropes. 

What those word choices are, and what the optional doctrines are, is what the following pages are about.